The Sacred Garden Playgroup


Sacred Garden Playgroup is a child-led, play-based program rooted in respect, care, and wonder. A pre-preschool, designed for children ages 2-4 yrs. old.

Being that we are part of nature, nature offers everything, which is why an outdoor environment is an ideal choice for gathering.

The playgroup is guided by Sarah Kramer who has been working in Early Childhood Education and Development for more than two decades, both as a preschool teacher and as a private childcare provider. Her Early Childhood Education (ECE) units are through UCLA Extension. She is also trained and experienced in, and heavily influenced by, RIE (Resources For Infant Educarers), and her approach/philosophy reflects that.

Similar to RIE’s parent/infant classes, parent(s) or caregiver(s) are to be present with each child, which is beneficial to parents as well as children. Children are both trusted and respected, and the environment offers freedom of expression.

A cohesive group with consistency is very advantageous to all aspects of development. As infants grow and develop into toddlers, so do their needs. The appropriate amount of space necessary to meet these needs increases, and they become more interested in interactive play (as opposed to just parallel).

Children have much to offer each other, from socialization, to conflict resolution, to interactive play and discovery, to self-awareness and self-regulation, as well as empathy and compassion. They also learn by observing one another. It is a natural evolution to gather in a group for this purpose. Having relationships and friendships from such a young age is really quite a wonderful thing, and there is also much to gain in being part of a community (for the adults as well).

While no longer an infant, and becoming more interested in their autonomy, at this age, children are also very attached to their parent(s)/primary caregiver(s). Having their adult person’s presence offers reassurance as they learn, grow, and adapt in a group setting with self-confidence and compassion. It also offers the adult(s) a first hand perspective of their child’s experience as an individual, and helps in bridging that with home life and group/community life. Helpful in the present, but is also a great transition toward their future preschool life and beyond.

The intention of Sacred Garden Playgroup is with the whole child in mind and in care, and the goal is to foster life-long learners and encourage interest, curiosity, and creativity.

The goal is to provide a safe, nurturing environment and, while fully present, take on a more observing approach, allowing children the opportunity to guide themselves with confidence, compassion and interest.

It is an honor and a great opportunity to do this work with children in an outdoor environment, their Sacred Garden. It is also a privilege to be a resource for parents.

Current location is in Eagle Rock.