
Recommended read(s) for parents:

Dear Parent: Caring For Infants With Respect by Magda Gerber
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Your Self-Confident Baby: How To Encourage Your Child’s Natural Abilities From The Very Start by Magda Gerber and Allison Johnson
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Baby Knows Best by Deborah Carlisle Solomon
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It’s Ok NOT To Share by Heather Shumaker
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1,2,3… The Toddler Years by Irene Van der Zande
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Your One-Year-Old: The Fun-loving and Fussy by Louise Bates Ames, PH.D.
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Your Two-Year-Old: Terrible Or Tender by Louise Bates Ames, PH.D.
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Your Three-Year-Old: Friend Or Enemy by Louise Bates Ames, PH.D.
(These books go up to 10-yrs old, one for each year).
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Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes A Babies’ Brain by Sue Gerhardt
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Your Baby Is Speaking To You: A Visual Guide To The Amazing Behaviors Of Your Newborn And Growing Baby by Kevin Nugent
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The Self Calmed Baby by William A.H. Sammons
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Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology And Less From Each Other by Sherry Turkle
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Food for thought…

Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons In Theory And Practice by Howard Gardner
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Websites and blogs:
100 Reasons to Spend 1000 Hours Outside

The Overprotected Kid (article)